12. mars 2025
Home Støtteuttalelser til heismontørene i Schindler Støtteuttalelse fra CCOO de Industria i Spania

Støtteuttalelse fra CCOO de Industria i Spania

Støtteuttalelse fra CCOO de Industria i Spania

Dear Colleagues,

From CCOO of Industry we want to show our strongest support and solidarity with the struggle of the lift manufacturers and their union in Norway. We strongly reject the illegitimate attacks by Schindler’s management on the union representatives, by dismissing them for carrying out their duties, thus seriously infringing on the freedom of association and also on collective bargaining, using coercion and repression as means to impose their unilateral decision, violating and breaking the collective agreements and placing themselves in a space completely alien to legality and the most basic and essential right.

We demand that Schindler’s management dedicate itself to what it is supposed to do, which is nothing more than to manage the company with full respect for democratic values, that is, to manage the company in compliance with and respecting the law and agreements, and in its use of management power to abandon order and command.

Consequently, we demand that Schindler’s management withdraw the dismissals immediately; renounce the unilateral application of its decisions, complying with and respecting the agreements; and resolve the conflicts by peaceful and democratic means, negotiating and agreeing collectively with its workers through their union representatives.

Juan Blanco Blanco
Responsable Acción Sindical Internacional

CCOO de Industria
Ramírez de Arellano 19, 6a 28045 Madrid.
Tel.: +34 913081181